مطرانية الارمن الارثوذكس في العراق


The weekly session of the Armenian Cultural and Heritage Committee in Zakho

On February 5/ 2021.the Armenian Cultural and Heritage Committee in Zakho held it’s weekly sessions with The presence of Mr. Vahik Saranian, Member of Parliament of Kurdistan, Mr. Vartan vartanian, Deputy Chairman of the Central Administrative Committee of the Armenian Orthodox Community in Baghdad, and Mr. Kevork kadoian and Garabed Kalustian, Members of the Central Administrative Committee of the Armenian Orthodox Community, Daoud Marderossian, head of the subcommittee for the administration of the Armenian Orthodox community in Zakho, Mr. Yousif Hadarian, member of the subcommittee for the administration of the Armenian Orthodox community in Zakho, and a number of the attendees, students and members of the community. The meeting consisted of a presentation by the members of the Cultural Committee, the engineer Levon Higaz Bakoian, and the engineer, Levon vartan Ohanian, on general scientific advice.

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